WSCP Website Governance
This statement applies to the WSCP, Zillo and Sandbox websites, all of which fall under the governance of the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership.
The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership
The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is a statutory body established under the Children Act (2004), as amended by the Children and Social Work Act (2017). The WSCP is a multi-agency body led by three statutory partners:
- Wirral Local Authority
- Merseyside Police
- Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group
The purpose of the WSCP is to ensure that agencies work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of all Wirral children and young people, and to ensure that safeguarding arrangements are effective.
Purpose of the WSCP websites
To help fulfil its statutory role, the WSCP publishes three websites (WirralSafeguarding, Zillo and Sandbox). The purpose of the websites, in the context of ensuring the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements is to:
- Provide advice, guidance and resources to children’s services professionals
- Provide advice, guidance and resources to children and young people, and parents and carers
- Publish information about safeguarding risk, activity and emerging issues
- Provide access to learning, briefings and training for professionals
- Signpost children, young people and families to services and sources of support
- Ensure professionals know what to do if they have safeguarding concerns about children and young people
- Provide a directory of multi-agency safeguarding policies, procedures and practice guidance
- Provide mechanisms for capturing, highlighting and disseminating the voices of children, young people and families
- Highlight new initiatives, good news stories, young people led and multi-agency activity
- Publish the WSCP Annual Report, and similar publications
- Act as a repository of safeguarding learning activity
Content of the WSCP websites
Content for the WSCP governed websites is drawn from a variety of sources and approved by the WSCP Manager and Digital Platform Development Lead. Sources of content include:
- Statutory guidance, e.g., Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)
- Relevant Acts, e.g., Children Acts of 1989 and 2004
- National and Local Case Review learning
- Learning from WSCP audit and quality assurance activity
- Learning from research and development, e.g., from nationally recognised organisations such as the NSPCC, Social Care Institute for Excellence, Research in Practice etc.
- Locally developed resources – including those developed by children and young people
- Activity from WSCP committees and other relevant bodies and groups
- Information from Wirral based organisations and groups
- Feedback from Wirral children, young people and families
Governance of the WSCP websites
The WSCP websites are governed by the WSCP Executive. This is the governance group of all WSCP activity as directed by the statutory safeguarding partners. The WSCP Executive receive an annual report of website activity.
Day to day management -including content oversight- of the WSCP websites sits with the WSCP Manager, LA Digital Platform Development Lead, and the WSCP business support function. Technical expertise is provided by the Local Authority and Iprogress Ltd who designed, host and maintain the website on behalf of the WSCP.
Data Protection
The WSCP operates within the framwork set out by GDPR regulations and the Data Protection Act (2018), and within the bounds of the WSCP’s own Information Sharing Guidance.
The WSCP also published a Privacy Notice which can be accessed here: Privacy Policy – Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership
Further Information
For further information please contact:
David Robbins
WSCP Manager
[email protected]