Useful Links and Glossary

Useful Links

The following links -our own and external- take you to resources and tools which will help support practice. We strongly advise all practitioners to make use of the resources and research from Research in Practice. All Wirral Council children’s services employees are automatically members (speak to your manager for access).

Research in Practice – publishes a wealth of research and resources to support evidence-informed practice with children and families

Centre for Systemic Social Work Practice -the CfSSW promotes systemic practice in social work settings across children’s services, and offers accredited in-depth training

Social Workers Toolbox – includes a diverse range of free resources particularly useful for discussing parental drug and alcohol misuse, domestic violence and sexual exploitation

Genopro Genogram Symbols – includes information regarding symbols and how to construct a genogram

Systemic Glossary of Terms


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Systemic Practice Homepage
Introduction to Systemic Practice

Resources and Tools
Useful Links and Glossary


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