Training Competency and Evaluation Strategy
The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) are responsible for ensuring that high quality multi-agency safeguarding training is available for professionals to attend. The training function for Children’s Safeguarding is managed through the multi-agency Training Pool. The Pool is responsible for developing, reviewing, promoting and quality assuring training and providing a training pool of trainers drawn from the partnership. This process is supported by the WSCP Training Officer.
Competency Framework
WSCP publishes an annual safeguarding training calendar. This calendar sits alongside the training competency framework for partner organisations.
The competency framework provides a baseline for standards of competence that are expected from those individuals and organisations, across a range of sectors, that have a responsibility to ensure that the children, young people and adults they work with are sufficiently safeguarded. It also assists in the development of training packages and provides a framework for performance management. Partner organisations can use this framework to help them decide the relevance of training courses to particular staff groups and individuals. The framework will be reviewed in July 2025, or at the point there are any significant changes to expectations of training.
Click on the image below to see the competency framework.
Training Evaluation
The WSCP evaluates all training events, requesting feedback at the end of a session via a Teams feedback form. This allows immediate feedback of the training experience and what was learnt in the session. There will be follow up feedback sought approximately 3 months after attendance for each particular event, allowing some understanding of how the training had impacted on practice. The WSCP also holds focus groups on a specific event, exploring in more detail how participants have been able to use any learning with families they are working with. These focus groups are now held on Teams.
Evaluation Reports on Training
Training reports and focus group reports are archived after a year.
2023 Reports
Working Together and SFEF focus group March 2023 final
Domestic Abuse focus group March 2023
Alcohol and Substance Use focus group March 2023
2024 Reports
Training Report April 2024 (1)
SP Learning week Report December 2024
Evaluation of trainers and training materials
Alongside the evaluation of learning from the training the WSCP also needs to ensure that training is delivered to the highest standard. We currently have a large training pool of professionals who deliver the training within their area of expertise, with delivery being supported by the Training Officer. Each trainer has one live observation of delivery a year, with written feedback being given, highlighting areas of strength as well as areas for development. This process allows trainers to reflect on their own delivery skills and knowledge, away from the training room.
Training packages are also reviewed regularly by the Training Pool to ensure materials are kept up to date and amended with any changes to processes and pathways.