Systemic Practice Information and Resources
Welcome to the Systemic Practice Information and Resources page. This page is designed to be your ‘one-stop shop’ to all things Systemic Practice and includes links to information about what Systemic Practice is and what it looks like. It also has links to the theory of the approach, useful resources and tools – such as genograms, and training and other sources of support.
Systemic Practice is the Wirral approach to working with children, young people and families, emphasising the importance of understanding how relationships work in families and their networks which allows us to better understand their context and how to work collaboratively and effectively with them.
This way of working fits well with the changes to Working Together 2023 which has a new chapter setting out principles for working with families. The 4 key principles are:
1)Effective partnership working with parents and carers
2) That verbal and non-verbal communication should be respectful, non-blaming, clear, inclusive, and adapted to parents and carers needs.
3) That practitioners empower parents and carers to participate in decision-making
4) That practitioners involve parents, carers, families, and local communities in designing processes that affect them, including those focused on safeguarding children.
The icons below will take you to a range of more detailed pages about different aspects of Systemic Practice and how it can be used effectively.