Spotlight Sessions

The WSCP safeguarding Spotlight Sessions are part of our training and learning offer to professionals.

Spotlight Sessions are short single topic safeguarding briefings delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams. Sessions will be delivered 3 or 4 times, and briefings on different topics will be delivered throughout the year. Please note, these are short briefing sessions not training, therefore attendance certificates will not be provided.

Systemic Practice Spotlight Sessions

As we approach 2.5 years since the first Cohort of Systemic Practice training was delivered, and nearly 800 professionals having attended the 2 days training we are at the point of embedding the model in practice. In order to do this we will be offering a number of themed Spotlight Sessions over the next 6 months with a view to spending time thinking about how some of the Systemic concepts impact on our work with children and families.

The first themed Spotlight Sessions will be looking at Graces and Power:

  • Explore Social Graces and how they underpin and shape our view of the world
  • Raise awareness of power and privilege
  • Think about how these systemic concepts relate to our work with children and families and what we can do differently

To book onto a session please click on the date you wish to attend:

7th May AM

12th May PM

Family Group Conferencing

As part of the Families First Pathfinder there is increased use of Family Group Conferences. To increase Professionals confidence in the process the FGC Team will be hosting 2 Spotlight Sessions.

The sessions will include the following objectives:

  • Learn what a Family Group Conference is and how it works
  • Know when it is the right time for a Family Groups Conference to take place
  • Understand your role in a Family Group Conference

To book onto a session please click on the date you wish to attend:

8th May AM

14th May AM

Ketamine use in young people

Due to the popularity of these sessions we have scheduled another run of Spotlight Sessions delivered by a colleague from Response. These sessions will cover the following  objectives:

  • The timeline of Ketamine and prevalence on Wirral
  • What is Ketamine? Is it just for horses??
  • How Ketamine affects the body
  • How are young people are accessing Ketamine
  • Short and long term effects of using
  • Ketamine Bladder Syndrome
  • What support is available to Ketamine users and how to refer—Response and Partners working together to support Young people on Wirral

To book onto a session please click on the date you wish to attend:

New dates coming soon

Ketamine Awareness Presentation

If you have been unable to attend a session on Ketamine Awareness, please click below to download the below narrated PowerPoint presentation:


Presentations from previous Spotlight sessions, including Vaping, Perinatal Mental Health, a briefing on Working Together 2023,  The Harmful Sexual Behaviour Identification Tool and many others are available on the virtual learning event page (registration required) here:

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