Safer Recruitment Training

Welcome to the Safer Recruitment Training Page. On this page and in the accompanying virtual briefing we will be covering the following objectives:

  • To consider the background and context of Safer Recruitment
  • To understand the relevant guidance and legislation
  • To explore best practice in Safer Recruitment and review the assessment and recruitment of suitable candidates
  • To identify Safer Working practices

This training is suitable for any staff that will be responsible for the selection and recruitment of new staff. 

You should undertake this training as directed by your line manager and be aware of your own well-being. If you are upset by anything in this module you should seek support from your manager or a colleague.

What is safer Recruitment?

Organisations who work with children and young people need to be vigilant in their recruitment, selection and retention of staff. Safe recruitment and selection processes are essential if organisations who work with or on behalf of children are to attract the best staff and deter or reject those who may pose a risk to children or who are unsuited to work with them.

Following the murder of Holly Chapman and Jessica Wells by Ian Huntley, the Bichard Enquiry in 2004 led to a radical review of the UK’s recruitment and selection process.  Lord Bichard stated ‘for those agencies whose job it is to protect children and vulnerable people, the harsh reality is that if a sufficiently devious person is determined to seek out opportunities to work their evil, no one can guarantee that they will be stopped. Our task is to make it as difficult as possible for them to succeed’.

The results of the enquiry included the following changes:

  • A registration scheme for everyone working with children or vulnerable adults, which employers can access. It would show if there was a reason why someone should not work with children;
  • A national IT system for police forces in England and Wales;
  • Investment in the police national computer (PNC) system to secure its medium and long-term future;
  • All applications for positions in schools should be subject to a requirement for enhanced disclosure criminal checks;
  • A national code of practice for all police forces on the creation and upkeep of records;
  • Training for headteachers and school governors to ensure interview panels are aware of the importance of safeguarding children

What are the responsibilities of organisations?

Under Section 11 of the Childrens Act 1989, organisations have a responsibility to have clear policies and procedures around safe recruitment practices and ongoing safe working practices for staff who work regularly with children. This includes policies
on when to obtain a criminal record check (Working Together 2023)

For any interviewing panel at least one member should be safer recruitment trained and the training should be updated at least every 5 years.

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