Safeguarding E-Learning

On this page are a number of e-learning packages for professionals, many of which are free to access – please note that for some websites you may be required to register.

Level 2 Safeguarding Children Training for Charities

VSL Learning, working with an independent safeguarding consultancy (RLB Safeguarding), have developed a Level 2 Safeguarding Children course specifically for the charity sector. This training has not been formally validated by the WSCP, so anyone wishing to use it should ensure they are satisfied it meets their organisations safeguarding needs –

Attachment Theory

Iriss is a charitable company that promotes positive outcomes for the people who use Scotland’s social services – Understanding Attachment Theory


The Anti-Bullying Alliance have developed a suite of free online training for anyone that works with children and young people –


Disability Matters offers free online learning packages to help develop the communication and problem-solving skills required to engage confidently with disabled children and young people –

Domestic Homicide Reviews

The Home Office offers domestic homicide review online learning for front line practitioners who will be taking part in domestic homicide reviews –

Forced Marriage

Virtual College offer an in-depth online course covering FGM, Forced Marriage and so called Honour Based Violence. However, there is a cost of £30: FGM | Virtual College (

Modern Slavery

This government resource is designed to share examples of training products available to public sector professionals and other individuals that might come across victims to help raise awareness, better spot the signs and increase confidence in reporting modern slavery when potential cases are encountered –

NSPCC Training (paid online courses)

The NSPCC has a range of online safeguarding and child protection training courses for anyone working or volunteering with children and young people. These courses carry a fee –

Online Safety 

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) have resources available for anyone concerned about online safety – Online Safety

Operation Encompass Key Adult Training

Virtual College provide a free virtual training course for staff from schools and other education settings.- even if your school is not yet part of Operation Encompass. The training updates staff members’ knowledge of child victims of domestic abuse. The is also designed to help staff in developing the skills and knowledge to fully embed Operation Encompass in your school or education setting. To access the training please register by clicking the link:   Log In – Enable (


The Channel General Awareness online module will help raise awareness that a:

  • person is at risk of radicalisation
  • venue is being used for promoting extremism
  • speaker at a public or council venue is promoting extremism.

click here for link;

The Home Office has developed 3 e-learning packages considering Prevent and Channel:

Prevent Overview:

Prevent Referrals:

Channel Awareness:

Self-harm and Risky Behaviour

The MindEdSelf-Harm and Risky Behaviour‘ online module is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self harm in children and teenagers, common associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community.

Find this resource on their website at

Suicide Awareness

Created by The Zero Suicide Alliance this module is designed to: increase understanding about suicide and suicide risk: spot warning signs: and provide tips on how to have a conversation with someone you are worried about – Zero Suicide Alliance – Lets Talk


The ECPAT UK online learning course ‘In Your Hands – Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking‘ is a free learning package can be used individually, in small groups or during training sessions –

Virtual College – Free learning packages

Virtual College has produced a range of free e-learning courses in subjects such as: Safeguarding Children, Health and Well-Being, Understanding Animal Welfare in Violent Homes, An Introduction to GDPR, Understanding Young Minds, Keep Them Safe: Protecting Children from CSE, Awareness of Forced Marriage, Awareness of Type 1 Diabetes.

Access these courses and more at

They have also made some useful resource packs, infographics and other resources available to down load from their website at

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