Case Reviews – Learning and Improvement Framework

The Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnerships (WSCP) Learning and Improvement Framework sets out how it undertakes different types of case reviews – including statutory Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews – and how we can learn from them.

The published Learning and Improvement Framework (December 2019) can be accessed here:

Referring Cases below the CSPR Threshold

The WSCP has a multi-agency process for undertaking reviews of cases below the  CSPR threshold. Reviews below this threshold are often undertaken where the WSCP believes there is learning to be gained which can improved processes or practice, or because there are unusual or uncommon features of the case.

All agencies and professionals in the WSCP partnership can refer cases to be considered for a multi-agency learning review. Before a referral is made the professional should discuss the case with their safeguarding lead. Professionals can also consult about potential referrals with the WSCP Business Manager ([email protected]).

Referrals are made using the Case Referral Form (available below). Completed Forms should be emailed to:

[email protected] 
WSCP-Case-Review-Referral-Form (2)

Safeguarding Practice Review Panel

On the 29th June 2018 the National Panel for Serious Case Reviews was replaced by the new National Child Safeguarding Review Panel.

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel is responsible for commissioning and supervising reviewers for national child safeguarding practice reviews – which have replaced Serious Case Reviews.

The purpose of a national child safeguarding practice review is to identify any improvements that should be made by safeguarding partners or others to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Duty on Local Authorities
From the 29th June 2018 local authorities will be required, under a new statutory duty, to notify the Panel of incidents where they know or suspect that a child has been abused or neglected and:

-the child dies or is seriously harmed in the local authority’s area; or
-while normally resident in the local authority’s area, the child dies or is seriously harmed outside England.

These notifications should be made within five working days of the local authority becoming aware of the incident.

Local authorities should continue to use Ofsted’s current online notification system to notify the Panel. Notifications made through this route will go to the Panel, Ofsted and the DfE.

The local authority should also report the incident, within the same five working days, to the WSCP.

Chronology guidance 

Chronology Guidance for Professionals – Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

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