Safeguarding Procedures

Welcome to the Multi-agency Safeguarding Procedures directory for the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership. You can access all of our safeguarding procedures from this page. Each procedure will open in a new tab.

See also: Wirral Children’s Services Procedures Manual

  1. Policy Framework
  2. The WSCP and Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Thresholds and the Continuum of Need (links to main page)
  4. Supporting Families Enhancing Futures (links to main page)
  5. Managing Individual Cases
  6. Children in Specific Circumstances
  7. Learning and Improvement Framework and Case Reviews (links to main page)
  8. Child Death Overview Panel and Process (links to main page)
  9. Individuals who Pose a Risk to Children
  10. Complaints and Multi-agency Escalations
  11. Multi-agency Protocols and Practice Guidance
  12. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018


Chapter One – Policy Framework

1.1 Policy, Principles and Values

1.2 Recognition of Significant Harm

1.3 Information Sharing and Confidentiality

1.4 Step Up/ Step Down Process

1.5 Family Group Conferences (links to LA Children’s Services Page)

1.6 Legal Framework for Child Protection

1.7 Race, Ethnicity and Culture

1.8 Use of Interpreters, Signers or Others with Communication Skills

1.9 Safer Recruitment Guidance


Chapter Two – The WSCP and Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 WSCP Role and Function

2.2 Agency Roles and Responsibilities


Chapter Three – Thresholds and the Continuum of Need – links to main page

3.1 WSCP-Thresholds-Document-April-2024


Chapter Four – Systemic Practice – links to main page


Chapter Five – Managing Individual Cases

5.1 Contacts and Referrals

5.2 Single Assessment Policy and Guidance (links to LA Children’s Services Procedure)

5.3 Strategy Discussions/Meetings and Section 47 Enquiries as Part of Social Work Assessment of Needs and Strengths

5.4 Initial Child Protection Conferences

5.5 Deciding and Recording that a Child Should be Subject to a Child Protection Plan

5.6 Implementation of the Child Protection Plan – Lead Social Worker and Core Group Responsibilities

5.7 Child Protection Review Conferences

5.8 Multi-agency Standards for Child Protection

5.9 Multi-agency Standards for Child in Need (S.17) 

5.10 North-west Protocol for Standards in Supervision of Children and Families Social Workers

5.11 LADO and Managing Allegations against Staff (links to main page)

5.12 NW Procedure for Children on a CP Plan Moving across LA Boundaries


Chapter Six – Children in Specific Circumstances

6.1 Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession

6.2 Abuse of Disabled Children

6.3 Children and Young People who Display Sexually Inappropriate and Harmful Behaviour

6.4 Working with Young People Engaged in Sexual Activity

6.5 Bullying in Children and Young People’s Settings

6.6 E-Safety: Safeguarding Children and Young People using Digital and Interactive Technology

6.7 pan Merseyside Missing Protocol March 2022

6.8 Children at Risk of Not Receiving a Suitable Education

6.9 Children Living Away from Home (including Children and Families Living in Temporary Accommodation)

6.10 Private Fostering (links to LA Children’s Services Procedure)

6.11 Management of Children and Young People in Need who are Medically Fit for Discharge

6.12 Children in Need Moving In and Out of Wirral

6.13 North-west Children in Need Moving across Local Authority Boundaries Protocol

6.14 Complex (Organised or Multiple) Abuse

6.15 Children Visiting Psychiatric Wards and Facilities

6.16 Concealed Pregnancies

6.17 Pre-birth Procedure 

6.18 Responding to Children and Young People who are at Risk from Domestic Violence and Abuse – Policy and Guidance for Professionals

6.19 Dangerous Dogs and Safeguarding Children (links to main page)

6.20 Perplexing Presentations and  Fabricated or Induced Illness 

6.22 Merseyside Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage Protocol

6.22i Merseyside FGM Protocol

6.23 Safeguarding Children from Abroad (including Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children)

6.24 Modern Slavery

6.25 Safeguarding Children and Young People who may have been Trafficked

6.26 Guidance on Safeguarding Children for Faith Groups in Wirral

6.27 Working with Children and Families affected by Substance Misuse (links to WSCP Substance Misuse webpage)

6.28 Mental Illness of a Parent or Carer – Adult Mental Health and Children’s Services Joint Working Protocol

6.29 Children Affected by Gang Activity and Youth Violence

6.30 Safeguarding Children in Licensed Premises

6.31 Safeguarding Children and Young People against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

6.32 Cross-border Child Protection Cases under the Hague Convention

6.33 Sexual Health Policy and Guidance for Staff Working with Young People under 19 Years of Age

6.35 Working with Families who Display Disguised Compliance

6.36 Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines 

6.37 Child Exploitation Pan Merseyside Protocol

6.38i Wirral Joint Protocol for Meeting the Needs of  16 and 17 Year Olds

6.38ii Wirral Joint Pathway for 16 and 17 Year Olds who are Homeless

6.38iii Out of Hours Homeless Referral Pathway

6.38iv 16 and 17 Year Olds Homeless Pathway on a Page

6.38v Homeless 16 and 17 Year Olds Legal Status Consent Form

6.38vi Homeless 16 and 17 Year Olds – Your Rights

6.38vii Housing Leaflet for 16/17 Year Olds

Chapter Seven – Learning and Improvement and Case Reviews – links to main page

7.1WSCB Learning and Improvement Framework December 2019

7.2 Reviewing Cases below the Serious Case Review Threshold

7.3 Case Review Referral Form

7.4 Notifiable Incidents Procedure

7.5 Learning from Serious Case and other Reviews (links to main page)


Chapter Eight – Child Death Overview Panel and Process – links to main page

8.1 pan-Merseyside Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Childhood (SUDiC) and Acute Life Threatening Event (ALTE)  Protocols (updated December 2024)

8.2 Child Death Overview Panel, including information for professionals and parents (links to main page)


Chapter Nine – Individuals who Pose a Risk to Children

9.1 Managing Individuals Posing a Risk to Children

9.2 List of Relevant Offences

9.3 Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

9.4 Visits by Children to Psychiatric Wards, to High Security Psychiatric Hospitals and to Medium Secure Units

9.5 Waiving of Arrangements for Young People who Committed Offences that Potentially Pose a Risk to Children

9.6 Visiting of Prisons by Children


Chapter Ten – Complaints and Multi-agency Escalation Process

10.1 Child Protection Conferences Appeals Procedure

10.2 Multi-agency Escalation Procedure 

10.3 Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work


Chapter Eleven – Multi-agency Protocols, Practice Guidance and Strategies

11.1 Wirral Protocol in Relation to Children with a Child Protection Plan Moving Across Local Authority Boundaries

11.2 Children Placed in Wirral – Notification Procedure

11.3 North-west Pre-care and Care Proceedings Notification and Transfer across Local Authority Boundaries Procedure

11.4 Joint Protocol for the Management of Domestic Abuse Notifications from Merseyside Police and Other Agencies

11.5 Wirral Domestic Abuse Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) Operating Protocol

11.6 Joint Local Protocol between Drug and Alcohol Partnerships and Children and Family Services  (links to WSCP Substance Misuse webpage)

11.7 Bruising in Children who are Not Independently Mobile

11.8 Assessment of Sexual Abuse and multi-agency Care Pathway

11.9 Assessing Sexual Perpetrators with Learning Disabilities

11.10 Considerations of Sexual Abuse in Kinship Placements

11.11 Assessing Adult Female Sexual Perpetrators

11.12 Assessment of the Mother as a Protective Parent where a Child has been Abused

11.13 How to Respond if a Child Discloses Sexual Abuse

11.14 Assessment of the Sexually Abused Child

11.15 Assessing Children who Sexually Abuse

11.16 WSCP Cherish Strategy (neglect) 2023-26

11.17 Neglect and the Graded Care Profile (links to main page)

11.18 Safer Sleeping Guidance

11.19 Good Practice Guidance for Working with Children and Families Affected by Substance Misuse

11.20 Chronology Guidance for Professionals

11.21i Police and Children’s Social Care Joint Working Protocol

11.21ii Police and Children’s Social Care Joint Working Protocol – Appendix  One  

11.22 WSCP Response to Police Critical Incidents

11.23 WSCP Safer Adolescence Strategy 2021 to 2023

11.24 Visitors to Schools Guidance

11.25 Operation Encompass

11.26 Pan Merseyside NRM Trafficking Exploitation Practice Guidance

11.27 Police Powers of Protection – Wirral Protocol

11.28 Pan Merseyside Multi-agency Response to Threat, Harm and Risk (MARTHR) Terms of Reference

11.29 Non therapeutic Male Circumcision Guidance

Chapter Twelve – Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023

12.1 Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023) 

12.2 Working Together 7 Minute Briefing

12.3 Children’s Social Care National Framework

12.4 Children’s Social Care National Framework Summary

12.5 Kinship Carers Strategy

12.6 Kinship Carers Strategy Summary


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