Safer Sleep for Baby Campaign
The Merseyside safe sleep campaign launched on the 14th December 2015. Merseyside’s five Safeguarding Children Boards, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral, came together to create the safe sleeping campaign to help deliver safer sleep messages across Merseyside.
Safer Sleep for Baby is based around six simple steps, designed to be easy to follow and cover the main risk factors. We want all agencies involved with families to speak in a unified voice to reinforce our messages to parents and carers. Research evidence shows that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in their cot, in the parents’ bedroom for the first six months of life. Campaigns to support this have had a positive impact; the number of babies dying, suddenly and unexpectedly, reduced significantly following the introduction of the ‘Back to Sleep’ Campaign in 1991.
To help professionals to champion safe sleep there are several documents on this page to support the campaign including a poster illustrating the six steps and a guide for parents. With the launch of the campaign other resources will be distributed to key partner agencies to support the campaign.
WSCB Multi-agency Safe Sleep Guidance
View further information about safe sleep from the Lullaby Trust.