Wirral Safeguarding News
100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 86 – Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 applies to young people over the age of 16 and adults. The primary purpose of the Act is to promote and safeguard decision-making within a legal framework. Everyone working with (or caring for) any young person from the age of 16 who may lack...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 85 – Children of Prisoners
In the UK currently over 312,000 children have a parent in prison. Whilst the imprisonment of a parent/carer may be an entirely proper outcome from the Criminal Justice System, the children left behind are a vulnerable group who require additional support and a trauma informed approach from all those working...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 84 – Matthew Learning Review
Today's message is the summary report and supporting 7 minute briefing for the 'Matthew' multi-agency learning review which has been published today. The review is about Matthew, an 18 year old care leaver who tragically took his own life. Matthew had a difficult relationship with his family and the case...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 83 – Safer Internet Day
Today is Safer Internet Day. The theme this years is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’ During the pandemic, online gaming saw a big increase. Seven out of ten 5-15s regularly played games online during 2020, according to research from Ofcom. While gaming in 'live' spaces like...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 82 – The Big Ask: The Big Answer
Today's safeguarding message is a report published by the Children's Commissioner called the The Big Ask: The Big Answer. The report, published in Sept 2021, is based upon the findings from a huge survey of children and young people across England during April and May 2021, when over half a...
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