Wirral Safeguarding News
100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 94 – Parental Substance Misuse
Today's message is an information poster about the impact of Parental Substance Misuse on children. Substance misuse refers to both illicit drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs and solvents, the consumption of which is either dependent use, or use associated with having harmful effect on the individual, their children and family or the...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 93 – LADO 7 Minute Briefing
Today's message is a 7 Minute Briefing about managing allegations against professionals and the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer for Allegations (LADO). The briefing includes the role of the LADO, the threshold for allegations, the duty to refer, and contact details. Further information: LADO Allegations - Wirral Safeguarding...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 92 – Solihull JTAI
Today's message is the Ofsted Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) letter, published today, following the inspection of Solihull children's services completed in the wake of the tragic murder of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes. The letter highlights several weaknesses in Solihulls' multi-agency safeguarding arrangements which result in children in need of help and...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 91 – Information Sharing Protocol
Today's message is the updated multi-agency safeguarding Information Sharing Protocol. The protocol sets out the 'rules' for sharing information and includes a myth buster and guidance. We have also added information about what to do in response to a data breach and links to the Information Commissioners Office website. 1.3...
Read more100 Days of Safeguarding – Day 90 – Child Exploitation Protocol
Today's message is a reminder of the pan-Merseyside Child Exploitation Protocol. The Protocol includes key definitions and the common signs of exploitation. It also explains the purpose of the Multi-agency Child Exploitation (MACE) meetings, and includes a signs of CE checklist and the pan-Merseyside assessment tool. 100 Days Day 90...
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