New Out of Hours Mental Health Advice Line
Children and Young People’s Out of Hours Advice Line 
- Are you worried about a young person’s mental health?
- Would it help to talk to a mental health professional?
Who are we?
- We are the Children and Young Peoples Out of Hours Advice Line
- Our aim is to provide access to a mental health service for children and young people, their families and concerned professionals outside of the usual business hours
- All the clinicians young people will speak to are trained in different backgrounds including social work, psychology and nursing and will have experience and knowledge of a range of mental health difficulties
What do we do?
- As a team we offer telephone advice and support to young people, parents / carers and professionals from across Wirral and Cheshire West and East who may have concerns about a young person’s mental health.
- We also undertake assessments of young people on Saturday and Sunday who have been admitted to the paediatric wards in Wirral and Cheshire following self harm concerns.
This service is available: 
- Monday to Friday 5pm to 10pm
- Saturday and Sunday 12pm to 8pm
- telephone number: 01244 39 7644
If you have immediate concerns for yourself or a friend please go direct to Accident and Emergency Department
Resources and helplines
Click into the information leaflet to download a copy
Click into the poster to download a copy
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services click here
For fast and direct access to self help resources Moodjuice click here
Mind mental health charity click here
Young Minds provide support, help and advice click here
NHS mental health, support and advice click here