Register Now for the 2016 Safeguarding Audits!
Registration for the Section 11 and Section 175 Safeguarding Audits is now open!
What is Section 11/ 175?
The WSCB is the key statutory body for co-ordinating and ensuring the effectiveness of arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in Wirral. It is the duty of the WSCB to hold agencies to account in terms of their safe-guarding arrangements and practices.
The WSCB uses a variety of ways to test the strength of safeguarding arrangements across agencies in Wirral but one of the key ways is by the use of an annual safeguarding audit called the Section 11 Audit (for agencies) and the Section 175 Audit (for schools and colleges).
Section 11 was issued under the Children Act (2004) and has been reinforced in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015. Section 11 places duties on a range of organisations and individuals to ensure their functions, and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
The advice of the WSCB for agencies is if you are delivering services in a position of trust directly to children and young people you must complete the Section 11/ 175 safeguarding audit.
How do I complete the audit?
The safeguarding audits are completed using an online audit tool that is completely secure. The tool allows agencies to grade themselves against safeguarding standards and to identify areas for development and write an action plan to support future progress. Agencies can also attach evidence which supports the grades they award themselves, for example a copy of the safeguarding policy. The audit can be completed bit by bit and progress is automatically saved when the user log offs. When completed the audit is automatically saved and securely shared with the WSCB for review.
How do I register for the audit?
Agencies can self register on the audit site which will automatically generate log in credentials. To register please follow this link: https://wirralscb.vc-enable.co.uk/register
Alternatively, please contact Kat Ryan with your name, e-mail address and agency/organisation.
Is there training or support?
Full technical support is provided by the Virtual College who have developed the online audit system, and audit user manuals are available when you log in.
A series of drop in 40 minutes briefings have been arranged where staff from the WSCB will go through the audit and answer any questions. Dates are:
10th June 2016 – Birkenhead Town Hall 9.15am; or 10.15am; or 11.15am
No need to book, just turn up.
What is the deadline?
Audits should be completed and submitted by Friday 5th August 2016.