Kinship Care – Why is it important?
The key principle is that Kinship care begins in crisis – for the child, it can be frightening, confusing and heart-breaking.
A key principle of the Children Act 1989 is that children are best looked after within their families, with their parents playing a full part in their lives, unless compulsory intervention in family life is necessary. These children may or may not be looked after by the local authority or even known to the local authority.
There are several different types of arrangements categories of friends and family that are kinship carers. These can include the following [Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities Oct 2024]:
- Informal kinship arrangements
- Private fostering
- Children Arrangements Orders and Special Guardianship Orders
- Looked after children
- Adoption
Wirral agencies, in partnership with other agencies and with input from Wirral Kinship carers, are putting together a Local Offer. This will be published in due course and will be shared by WSCP. In advance, WSCP have put together this 7-minute briefing for partner agencies with lots of links for you to sign post support.