Internet Safety

‘Be the Change, unite for a better internet’

The internet is part of our everyday life now and Children start using it from a very young age, technology is great and the internet is a fantastic resource when used in the right way.

For information resources including education packs for different age groups – including lesson plans and resources please follow the link below:

See below five messages from Catch22 to keep yourself safe online.

Useful Resources

An updated list of 184 gaming and social media apps commonly used by young people is available here: Social-Media-Library-April-2019. The list includes the names and description of the apps.

Rumble App – This is an alternative to YouTube and its popularity has increased recently, particularly amongst teenagers. It is known to be popular with right wing users.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) provides resources and guidance for parents and carers about how to keep children and young people safe online.

Zillo – Wirral website for children and young people with helpful information, guidance and advice

Sandbox – dedicated website for professionals in Wirral containing tools, resources and directory of services

Online e-safety training module from Virtual College (there is a £20 cost)

Liveskills – resources for professionals from thinkuknow

Net Aware – e-safety website from the NSPCC which includes a list of the latest websites and apps to be aware of

NSPCC – lesson plans and teaching and learning resources from the NSPCC

Safer Internet website includes links to training and guidance for professionals

Parent Zone is an advice and information website about online safety produced in association with Vodafone who publish a Digital Parenting Magazine with helpful advice and links.

London Grid for Learning have produced some very informative webinars across a variety of subjects

PACE – Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation – helps parents across the UK understand about sexual exploitation and how parents are the prime agents in helping their children exit exploitative relationships.

The Children’s Commissioner launched the Digital 5 A Day initiative in August, details can be accessed here

Digital citizenship – Young people’s rights on social media In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s more important than ever that our young people are able to understand and feel in control of their online rights. But more often than not, they’re not even aware that they even have any.

The Children’s Commissioner for England, working with TES and Schillings International law firm, have produced three teaching packs to help young people become more empowered digital citizens. Relevant to citizenship and computing curriculums around the world, these packs include lesson ideas and simplified T&Cs for five major social media sites.

There are three packs available to download for free for 7-11 years, 11-14 years and 14-16 years, respectively

Video Resources for e-safety

Ask before you watch 5-7 year olds

The Bigger Picture aimed for 7-11 year

Selfie Shack – Safer internet day

Your Image Your Future 14-18 year olds

Safer internet day – Parents and Carers

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