FFC Family Help


Families should be able to access the right help at the right time from the right people, so that they can overcome challenges, stay together and thrive. To achieve this, we will establish a targeted Family Help Service to support children and families with multiple needs who are eligible for or receiving Child in Need (CIN) or ‘targeted early help’ services. This approach will build on local best practice in early help in Wirral driven through programmes such as Supporting Families, Cradle to Career and the development of Family Hubs.

This new community-based service will bring together previously separate teams, who will work closely together to facilitate access to more effective help in the short to medium-term. This will help to address children and families’ needs before they escalate and avoids unhelpful handovers between practitioners.

Our Family Help Service will be accessible via an integrated ‘front door’ and be led by a core, LA-based family help team (FHT). Families will work with family help lead practitioners (FHLP) who will coordinate a bespoke team around the family (TAF). A Lead Practitioner, as set out in Working Together 2023, can be any practitioner most suited to building a lasting relationship with a family, including social workers and alternatively qualified practitioners.

Key Features

  • Establish a multi-disciplinary family help team to provide seamless support for families, spanning targeted early help and child in need (section 17 of the Children Act 1989).
  • Integrate family help within existing systems and services.
  • Deliver an integrated ‘front door’ and service that is welcoming, effectively identifies families’ strengths and needs and decides on the appropriate lead practitioner for a family.
  • Establish the Family Help Lead Practitioner (FHLP) role. This should be whoever is best placed to provide this role for the family and can include practitioners not employed by the LA.
  • Establish clear thresholds and a single, family help assessment and plan for families.
  • Establish proportionate plans for case management, oversight and supervision, considering increasing and decreasing needs over time.

The Approach in Wirral


Summary Presentation


Experiences of Professionals


Our Top Tips for Embedding the FFC Partnership Programme



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