Community Safety Strategy

The Safer Wirral Partnership Board (SWPB) is a multi-agency group of organisations who work together to make Wirral a safe place to live, work and visit.

The SWPB includes representation from the Local Authority, Police, Police and Crime Commissioner, Fire and Rescue Service, housing providers, Public Health, and a range of voluntary and community sector organisations.

The SWPB has published its five year Community Safety strategy which sets out its priorities and its plan to achieve them. The priorities for the next five years are:

1. Anti-Social Behaviour
2. Violent Crime
3. Domestic Abuse
4. Drugs and Alcohol
5. Hate Crime
6. Modern Slavery
7. Prevent
8. Road Safety
9. Emergency Planning
10. Coastal and Inland Water Safety

The strategy is underpinned by four key principles:

1. A public health approach
Focus on early intervention and prevention, and the
wider determinants of crime and community safety,
including social inequalities, employment, skills, health,
housing and environment.

2. Resident engagement
Work with the local community to understand local
priorities and develop an approach that is responsive
and effective in increasing feelings of safety.

3. Collaboration
Share data and intelligence and work across agencies to
facilitate an efficient and effective approach and better
targeted interventions.

4. Supporting victims
Ensure a focus on victims and strengthen local systems
to support victims, reduce repeat victimisation, and
recognise that perpetrators of violence can often be
victims too.

The full strategy document can be accessed below:

Links with the Wirral Safeguarding Children Partnership

The WSCP exists to ensure all agencies work together to safeguard children. The WSCP works closely with the SWPB to ensure all aspects of its work give due regard to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. As the ‘holding to account’ body the WSCP receives an annual report from the SWPB detailing the breadth of its activities and the achieved outcomes.

Additionally, the WSCP directly supports specific parts of the SWPB’s work through:

  • its Contextual Safeguarding Committee and work to combat extra-familial safeguarding risks
  • its close collaboration with the Youth Justice Service who provide quarterly performance reports to the WSCP
  • oversight of the multi-agency child exploitation meetings
  • the delivery of Prevent and Child Exploitation Training
  • collaboration on initiatives such as Safer Streets
  • the hosting of the multi-agency Channel Panel
  • undertaking of learning reviews in specific cases


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