CE Awareness Day 18th March 2025
Please visit the National Working Group’s official awareness day website, and the National Working Groups dedicated Stop CE website with information and resources for professionals.
The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation (CE); encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero-tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers.
What is Child Exploitation?
Child Exploitation, or CE is a form of abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18. It encompasses all the ways by which children and young people can be exploited, including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and criminal exploitation. The criminal exploitation of children is an issue which is gaining more of a national focus and is closely related to County Lines, and other ways children and young people are drawn into drugs related criminal activity.
Children missing from education can be especially vulnerable – this status can leave some of our young people exposed to criminals who may seek to groom them.
It is NOT OK for someone to expect you or your friends to do things you don’t want to do sexually. Listen to your instinct; if it doesn’t feel right
STOP CE – Join the fight against CE (stop-ce.org)
NWG Child Exploitation Awareness Day
How you can Help
On March 18, we want the world to unite against child exploitation
There are various ways you can show your support:
- Write a personal pledge on your hands to show support for our Helping Hands campaign. Post your photo on social media with the hashtags #HelpingHands #CEADay25 to help us raise awareness of CSE and wider exploitation.
- Display the Think Twice, Think abuse Campaign…and help to raise awareness of Child Exploitation by displaying our banners and posters – designed to encourage participation in the National CE Awareness Day – together we can raise awareness and deter child exploitation
Eyes Open Campaign
CE Awareness Day is a good opportunity to highlight the Eyes Open campaign about County Lines and criminal exploitation.
CE Webinar
Child Sexual Exploitation NWG Webinar
Barnardos awareness raising sessions
You can find out more info and book on via the website Training – NCTC – Barnardos
What is County Lines?
Catch22 are the commissioned service who lead the CE and Missing from home service in Wirral. To support CE awareness Catch22 have published a series of resources which can be downloaded below:
Catch On is a new free educational resource about Child Exploitation aimed at pupils in Years 7 and 8 (aged 11-13): https://www.catch-22.org.uk/find-services/catch-on/
CE and County Lines Support and Rescue Service
What makes a good relationship?
– looking at the factors that form a healthy relationship, whether between peers or adult and child. A useful tool for using directly with young people.
Spotting a runaway child: Children may run away from home because they are unhappy or because they are being coerced and exploited. This poster shows you how to spot signs a child may be a runaway, and how to help them.
Keeping children safe during school holidays- a guide for parents and care givers–Any extended period of unstructured time can cause friction between children and young people and those who care for them. Our CE teams share a few basic tips on how to work with children to agree strategies and keep them as safe as possible.
Child Criminal Exploitation- How do gangs recruit and coerce young people– Catch22 believe that children involved in criminality are victims first. Groomers exploit young people and force them to commit crimes. This poster outlines the pattern of exploitation we have seen in our Child Exploitation services.
Positive relationships break the CSE cycle – a poster for professionals to understand the signs of CE/CSE and how to intervene at every point.
Further resources can be found on Catch22’s poster hub:
Spot the Signs: Child Exploitation and Missing Awareness Poster Hub – Catch22 (catch-22.org.uk)
Appropriate Language Guides
Educate, speak out and encourage others to join us in the fight against Child Exploitation
Parents and Carers – It may be difficult for parents, carers and frontline professionals to differentiate between ordinary teenage behaviour and the risk of or involvement in sexual exploitation, but there are some signs that may signify that children or young people are being groomed for sexual exploitation or actually being sexually exploited: https://nwgnetwork.org/what-is-child-exploitation/help-for-parents-and-carers/
Practitioners can help empower children and parents/carers by educating them about Child Exploitation, the grooming process, the risk factors and indicators and the contact details of local and national organisations that can offer support. Practitioners can ensure that their own knowledge of Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking is up to date.
Links to WSCP training for professionals can be found at the bottom of the page.
The leisure industry – Hotels, Taxi Companies, Take-Aways, B&B’s and Retailers all have a role to play in safeguarding children and ensuring that their staff are trained to recognise the signs of Child Exploitation and what to do if they suspect Child Exploitation by using the Community Awareness training toolkit Say Something if you See Something http://www.stop-cse.org/ssss/
Decision makers and politicians need to provide a culture in which all of the above can function and thrive and continue to play a key role in ensuring our children are safe from Child Exploitation. As a Decision maker or politician you need to ensure Your community is engaged in protecting children from Exploitation. The
The Local Government Association (LGA) has published a resource pack for Elected Members and Community Leaders:
Tackling child exploitation: resources pack | Local Government Association
Reporting Concerns
People should report any concerns to the police on 101. If on a train text British Transport Police on 61016. Otherwise contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Alternatively you can contact the Wirral Integrated Front Door on 0151 6062008 or the NSPCC for advice on 0808 800 5000
Always dial 999 if there is an immediate risk to a child.
Useful Links
WSCP Look Closer Campaign webpage
The NWG – CE Day and wider exploitation information and resources
Catch22 – Details about the Wirral Missing and Exploitation Service
For children and young people, try Zillo – a website for young people living in Wirral: https://www.zillowirral.co.uk/
For professionals, try Sandbox – a risk assessment and service directory tool for Wirral: https://www.wirralsandbox.com/
For families, try Family Toolbox – support and resources available for families: https://familytoolbox.co.uk/
The following are CE related pages on the WSCP website:
(all open in new tabs)
WSCP Contextual Safeguarding Page
Online Safety webpage for parents/carers
CE webpage for children and young people
Online Safety webpage for children and young people
Sexting information webpage for children and young people