7 Minute Briefings
A series of 7 minute briefings have been created as a learning aid for use in supervision, team meetings, or just as a reminder of the key issues around a particular theme or current issue.
This suite of briefings will be regularly added to (newest at the top).
7 Minute Briefing – I wanted them all to notice – child sexual abuse (Jan 2025)
7 Minute Briefing Victim Blaming
7 Minute Briefing (Youth Matters)
7 Minute Briefing Intro to Systemic Practice (updated)
7 Minute Briefing Stable Homes Built on Love
7 Minute Briefing Working Together Changes
7 Minute Briefing Child-on-child abuse
7 Minute Briefing Finley Boden
7 Minute Briefing Child Q CSPR March 2022
7 Minute Briefing Harmful Gambling
7 Minute Briefing Gillick Competency and Fraser Guidelines
7 Minute Briefing Matthew Learning Review
7 Minute Briefing Low Level Concerns
7 Minute Briefing Radicalisation
7 Minute Briefing Prevent Agenda
7 Minute Briefing New Partner in the Home
7 Minute Briefing Perplexing Presentations and FII
7 Minute Briefing Scarlet CSPR
7 Minute Briefing Domestic Abuse Act 2021
7 Minute Briefing Safer Adolescence Strategy
7 Minute Briefing Peer Sexual Abuse
7 Minute Briefing Babies Cry You Can Cope
7 Minute Briefing It was hard to escape
7 Minute Briefing Social Media and Mental Health
7 Minute Briefing Safeguarding Children
7 Minute Briefing Anderson children
7 Minute Briefing CE Audit WSCP
7 Minute Briefing Early Help Offer
7 Minute Briefing Graded Care Profile 2
7 Minute Briefing Coercive Control
7 Minute Briefing County Lines
7 Minute Briefing Contextual Safeguarding
7 MInute Briefing Adolescents and Neglect
7 min Briefing Lived experience of the child
7 Minute Briefing Domestic Abuse
7 Minute Briefing Thresholds of Need
7 Minute Briefing Private Fostering